7th May- Hello from Mrs Ryan

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 1:30pm

Hello everybody! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I thought I would pop on and say a quick, "Hello!" to you all this afternoon as this Friday is a bank holiday which means no home school.

Tomorrow is a very special day as it is the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day). This marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end.

If you would like to find out a bit more about VE day, there are some nice activities for Key Stage One available on BBC Bitesize:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/teach/ve-day-teaching-resources/znvy382 . There is a music activity and a template to make your own bunting. I have also attached some other VE day activities to this blog if you would like to have a go at any of them.

I hope you have all been enjoying your research into hot and cold places around the world. What did you notice about Chereponi, the small town in Northern Ghana? Does life there seem similar or different to your life in Billinge? Perhaps you could draw a picture of a house and family in Chereponi and your house and family and think about any similarities and differences you notice. Remember to check out the PowerPoint I posted on Monday to help you.

I have been so impressed with your Purple Mash mosaics, children! It is also lovely to read the comments that some of you have been posting to me and Mrs TD about your tasks- this is a great way for us all to keep in touch. I wonder if you could create your own African mosaic picture using arts and crafts materials that you have at home. You could try and make a mosaic of an African animal or even an African sunset. I would love to see pictures of anything you make. Remember to email them to me at school- stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk.

That’s all from me for now children. Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend with your families and a well-earned rest.

Take care,

Mrs R heart

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