30th April Home School

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:56am

Good morning everyone,

It has been lovely chatting to you on the phone this week. Hopefully I will have managed to speak to you all by the end of the week.  Listen out for that phone ringing  - it might be me!  I am very proud of you all for trying so hard at home and being the best you can be!

I’ve added a 2Create A Story for your 2Do. Why not make up a story about your life in Home School.?  For those of you that have already completed this it’s been great reading about what you are all getting up to. I am very impressed with your computing skills!

Last week I set some 2Dos and some MYCities (Homework) which will help you to learn to tell the time.  I have set up some new 2Dos for this week, but make sure you complete last week’s ones first as this week it is learning to tell the time in 5 minute intervals and they are much trickier.  Today I have added some new time 2Dos and a new MyCity Homework.  Don’t forget there is also a reading task on MyCity this week and some Summer term spelling practice.

The maths on BBC Bitesize Daily this week is all about money.  Today it is learning about how to work out change.  This is quite important and some of us found this really tricky last time we were learning about money.  Perhaps this is something you might want to practise further with your grown ups.The literacy today is remembering how to add description to our writing by using adjectives.  It also looks at adding conjunctions – we are all brilliant at super sentences so why not have a try doing this?  There is also some information about the Jewish feast of Passover – we learnt all about Shabbat back in November so this might be one to watch.

For those of you following the excellent White Rose Maths Home learning this week’s focus is comparing length.

Did any of you visit www.outoftheark.com ? If so you’ll have to teach me the songs when we all come back to school!

Oh and just a reminder for the grown ups – under the curriculum tab for Y2 you will find the topic maps, topic key vocabulary and topic end points, these might help to guide you in the right direction with ideas for projects etc.

Happy home learning, take care everybody!

Mrs TDsmiley