28th March 2018

Date: 28th Mar 2018 @ 8:44am

Hello everyone,

Nearly there - two more days to go!  What a fun-filled two days they are going to be! Farewell assembly in the morning to say our goodbyes to Mrs Williamson, followed by Easter Service in church and then Easter Bingo after school.

Come and See

We have continued with our Lenten Topic of  "Opportunities"  and have been trying so hard to fulfil our Lenten Promises.  In lessons we have been continuing to follow and learn about the events during Holy Week and have enjoyed watching some film clips and learning some new songs.  In our Collective Worship time we enjoyed saying our prayers and singing "Hosanna"  - it  is a lovely time when we all come together in prayer.  We Have produced some lovely art work to share during our Easter Celebration and have made Easter cards and crosses.


We have been practising some assessments and then working through the answers , we are improving all the time.  During our morning maths challenge we continue to practise the four rules of number, using all the different strategies we have been taught to work out the answers and to explain our thinking.


We are finishing our "Toys in Space" topic and writing our own version of the story.  We have been learning to spell words with suffixes in our spelling work and trying hard to improve our handwriting.

Hope you all have a happy and relaxing Spring Break.  See you all in April!

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley