28th April Home School

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:09am

Good morning everyone,

Hope you’re all doing well and trying really hard with your home school.   A big shout out to those children who have been trying so hard at home.  Some children have completed wonderful Safari Fact sheets using Purple Mash and I know some of you have been making Safari Posters, keep up the good work. You can see some children’s work on the display board on Purple Mash.  Yesterday Purple Mash was not working for a short while so I couldn't see any of your work, however it is back up and running today hopefully.

I’ve added a 2Create A Story today for your 2Do.  Why not make up a story about your life in Home School.?  You can then share them to our class page.

Last week I set some 2Dos and some MYCities (Homework)  which will help you to learn to tell the time.  I have set up some new 2Dos for this week, but make sure you complete last week’s ones first as this week it is learning to tell the time in 5 minute intervals and they are much trickier.

The maths on BBC Bitesize Daily today follows on from yesterday’s recognising coins and is all about using coins to make different amounts. You could make up your own shop using all your toys and give them all prices and ask your grown ups to buy items from your shop. The literacy today is really good and practises capital letters, full stops and joining words.  It is all about the life cycle of a caterpillar and we looked at life cycles in our science lessons earlier in the year so why not have a go?

For those of you following the excellent White Rose Maths Home learning this week’s focus is comparing length.

Happy home learning!

Mrs TDsmiley