Date: 14th Jan 2019 @ 3:55pm


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blush Welcome Back! blush

A huge welcome back to all of the children in Year 6! We hope you had a lovely break over Christmas and are well-rested and ready to take on the hard work that this term will bring. smileyyes

Thank you 

Before we tell you all about what we have been getting up to since returning to school from the Christmas break, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parents, for your kindness and generosity. We were overwhelmed to receive such thoughtful gifts and vouchers before breaking up for Christmas and we haven't had the chance to thank you all. From the bottom of our hearts, we really appreciate your support and kindness and we feel very blessed.

Mrs Hrab, Miss Barnes, Mrs Hankin and Mrs Crompton heart


Come and See

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In our RE lessons, we have started a new topic. This new topic has really intrigued us, as it is all about 'Sources'. We completed the 'Explore' part of the topic last week, where we talked about books and the many different kinds we use as a source of information, guidance, comfort and knowledge. We had to think of as many different sources as we could and write down how we use them in our daily lives. Here are a few of the things we came up with:

* Exercise books - we use these to record our learning

* Atlas - we use an atlas to learn more about the world around us

* Diary - we use them to record our thoughts, feelings and actions

* History book - we use them to learn about the past

* Fiction book (story book) - we use them for enjoyment 

As you can see, we came up with lots of different kinds of books and we were able to share how we use them. 


Stunning Start!

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As well as starting a new topic in RE lessons, we have started a new creative curriculum topic, too. We have been very busy up in Y6! Our previous topic was called 'Identity' and we thoroughly enjoyed it as it was all about us and who we are. 

Our new topic is called 'The Lost World' and is based around the Mayan civilisation. So far, we have enjoyed learning about the Mayans and their culture.

To begin our topic, we needed something exciting and memorable: we were given a little treat from Mrs Hrab and Miss Barnes! We were taken down to the infant hall, where we were treated to a delicious hot chocolate. It wasn't just any hot chocolate, however... it was a Mayan hot chocolate! Mayans used to add honey and chilli powder to their hot chocolate. If it's good enough for the Mayans, it's good enough for Year 6! 

Some of us were incredibly brave and even asked for extra chilli powder in their hot chocolate! Pop over to the gallery page and have a look at the pictures. In the meantime, here are a couple to entertain you. 




See you soon!

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