
Date: 15th Jun 2018 @ 4:20pm


This week we have been learning about making choices. We read a story about children who made good and bad choices, then answered some questions as a class about how each character felt. One child from each table pretended to be a character from the story and the other children asked them questions. This hot seating activity made us think about how our choices can affect other people. Later in the week, the children listened to a story called Two Sons. Jesus told this story to people when he was teaching them. It is about a father and his two sons, who make different choices in life. The children then imagined that they witnessed Jesus telling this story at a temple and wrote letters describing what they learned from the experience. 




We started our new topic this week! Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning about the functions of different parts of flowering plants, what plants need to grow, how water is transported within plants and many more interesting topics. This week, the children discussed what they already know about plants and what they would like to learn. They planted their own sunflower seeds on Thursday afternoon and started writing diary entries to record what happens. 

Next week is Health and Well Being week so the blog will be updated with what we get up to! 


Miss Wood