Art fun

Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:18pm


We have been learning about the parts of a mass in church. The Mass helps people to reflect on their daily lives and challenges them to try again if they have sinned.  It gives Christians the strength and courage for this and the knowledge that they are supported in love and prayer. During the Concluding Rite at the end of Mass, the priest prays a final blessing and Christian families are sent out to live in love, friendship and communion with God and with one another. 


This week we looked at features of newspaper reports and then started to plan a newspaper report about an Iceni tribe leader called Boudicca. She started an army and fought against the Romans in 60AD. 



This week, we have been learning about negative numbers. We counted backwards through zero to include negative numbers. We solved word problems and problem solving questions involving negative numbers. It was fun! 


We were inspired by an Italian artist called Kaso with our art work. We used coloured pencils and coloured card to layer shapes and lines to create a 3D effect.